Thursday, February 13, 2014

Eastern State Penitentiary

Eastern State Penitentiary

Eastern State Penitentiary
Exterior of Eastern State Penitentiary Photo by Thesab
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2027 Fairmount Avenue

Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, PA operated from 1829 to 1971 was the first prison of it’s kind.  Built in what is known as a “wagon wheel design”, the prison was intended to reform prisoners rather than punish them and was the most expensive public building ever constructed when it was erected.  It was thought at the time by confining prisoners to a space where they had little or no contact with other prisoners would make them “penitent” or remorseful over their crimes, and prisons of this design were dubbed Penitentiary’s.
Arial View of Eastern State Penitentiary
Arial View of Eastern State Penitentiary by Mike Graham on Flickr
This form of punishment was known as the Pennsylvania System and was used throughout the world as a model for over 300 other prisons, although some visitors (like Charles Dickens) considered it to be an unusually cruel form of punishment.  In 1966, the prison was designated as a historical landmark and in 1971 it finally closed its doors, and after decades of sitting empty it was opened to the public for historic tours in 1994.
Re-Creation of Al Capone's Cell in Eastern State Penitentiary
Re-Creation of Al Capone's Cell in Eastern State Penitentiary Photo by Thesab
One of the earliest known paranormal sightings on the property was by notorious prisoner Al Capone who served an 8 month sentence in the prison in 1929.  He was often heard screaming at the ghost of Albert Kachellek aka “James Clark” in his prison cell to go away and leave him alone.  James Clark was one of the victims of theSt Valentine’s Day Massacre and was the brother-in-law of one of Capone’s well known rivals – Bugs Moran.
The most active parts of the penitentiary are generally considered to be cell blocks 4, 6 & 12.  Cell block 12 is where shadowy black figures are often seen roaming the catwalks, and where voices and laughter have been heard.  Cell block 6 is known for black figures that have been seen moving in and around the dark corners, and cell block 4 is well known for sightings of the faces of former inmates in their cells.  Beyond this, the ghost of a former prison guard is believed to still be watching the prison from the Guard Tower.
Re-Creation of a Typical Eastern State Penitentiary Cell
Re-Creation of a Typical Eastern State Penitentiary Cell Photo by Thesab
When the prison was being converted into a tourist attraction, prison locksmith, Gary Johnson had a terrifying experience with the paranormal where he claimed to have seen several ghosts and claimed to have been touched by one.  Another well known claim of paranormal activity on the property is the apparition of former prisoner Joseph Taylor who bludgeoned an overseer to death in 1884.  After the murder, Taylor simply returned to his cell and went to sleep.  Several witnesses have claimed to see him wandering the property.
The prison has been the site of numerous paranormal investigations including the notorious “Dude, Run!“(Youtube Link) Ghost Hunters investigation in Season 1, Episode 5 where they caught what appears to be a figure in a cape moving away from the camera on film.
Today the prison is open for tours daily all year long with the exception of a handful of holidays, and the prison hosts a terrifying Halloween event known as Terror Behind the Walls each year.

Related Links:
Eastern State Penitentiary
Eastern State Penitentiary – Wikipedia
Syfy Channel – Ghost Hunters Episode Recaps
Youtube Dude Run
G.R.I.M. Union – Eastern State Penitentiary
The Travel Channel – Prison of Horrors

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